Monday, May 11, 2009

Garage Sale Day - 2009

A great Winters Garage Sale Day! It was bigger and better than I ever remember!
The first stop for me after I leave my house is the Catholics, and the first thing I see is a great-looking book about Early Rome, and, presumably, religion. I pick it up, the ladies look at me and I look at them. "If I buy this, you will keep it a secret, right? I need to protect my reputation." They started laughing and made it very clear that not only would it be in the Church Bulletin AND the Express, they were pretty sure it would be mentioned in the next day's sermon. Sheesh. I bought it anyway. Next, I was off to visit the Presbyters. I walk in and tell them I am there for good prices because the Catholics wanted to charge me double. Pastor Bob looked at me and said " "Anything the Catholics can do, we can do better!", and then in a loud voice tells everyone to "Make sure you charge this guy triple!"

I found a hat that I had not seen before, "Meet the Fuckers!" with a picture of George Bush and Dick Cheney on it. In small town fashion, Kathy had not wanted to put it out, but Wade told her to put it out, that "Tom will buy it!". What he didn't think of was my camera phone- I simply snapped a picture of it, and saved myself two bucks.

Eventually my wife got out of bed and joined me, and together we stumbled on to the buy of the year- a 7-foot tall lighted Palm Tree. He said a dollar, but I gave him $5.

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