Sunday, January 18, 2009

Greatest Sports Movie Quotes...

Random order...X

  • James Earl Jones:
"The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again. Oh, people will come, Ray. People will most definitely come."
  • Kevin Costner:
"I believe in the soul ... the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days."
  • Keanu Reeves:
"Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever."
  • James Gammon:
Willie Mays Hayes: "I'm Willie Mays Hayes. I hit like Mays, and I run like Hayes."

Lou Brown: "Well, you may run like Mays, but you hit like shit."
  • Kevin Costner
"Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you're not good at them."
  • Marlon Brando
"You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you, Charley."
  • John Madden (sentimental favorite)
"I love it when a fat guy scores! Then you get a fat guy spike and a fat guy dance.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Interview with God...

Some friends sent me a link, entitled an Interview with God.

However, it's really an Interview with Buddha.

Sure, the pictures are great, and the pastel tones leave you all warm and fuzzy. Sadly, no major religion of the world except Buddhism comes even close to what is portrayed on the website- neither in doctrine nor practice.

And guess what? Buddhism is the only major religion that does not talk about the existence of a
supreme being- hmmm.

Missing from the interview is any mention of the homophobes, the bigots, the racists, the people dying of AIDS in Africa because of Catholic doctrine, the fighting and wars conducted under different gods' names, or the Book of Mormon that says black people are evil.

Dupak Chopra likes to tell people to ask us Atheists "Which God don't we believe in?" Psycho Babble Excrement.

His point is that god is inevitable, but that she is represented in none of the writings we have, as well as none of the theologies.

Just like we now have "Intelligent Design" to explain the clash between Evolution and Creation.

Most Atheists believe in Evolution- however, it is an evolution that is solid, slow, deliberate, steady, and a real joy to explore.

The other, modern-day "evolution" is the herky-jerky, shucking and jiving, on-the-fly evolution that is happening every time Creationism gets punched in the mouth by science- like "Maybe God's 7 days are different than ours!"
Yeah, right...

"Somebody had to create us!" Uh, ok, but who created god? God can have been here forever, but the universe cannot have been?

It's a sad evolution, one lacking integrity, and without moral compass.

I am an Atheist who hopes he is wrong. Really. All those millions of people wasting all that money, all that time in Church, all that preaching, the priests being celibate, perhaps getting Nun- I don't have to be right, just to have all that go to waste.

Nope, if I'm wrong, so be it- but I'm not.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I see that Senator David Vitter, the staunch right-wing, conservative Senator from Louisiana, who has so seamlessly replaced David Duke, and who was an admitted client of that Family-Values D.C. Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, has entered the lone vote against Senator Hillary Clinton becoming our next Secretary of State.

Great! One does not want the support of such a two-faced Neanderthal with the integrity of a wet cube of sugar.

She drew mostly rave reviews for her adamant assertion that the Book of Diplomacy needs to be returned to the State Department's libraries.

State? Diplomacy? What a novel concept, huh?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Way to go, Al!!

Al Sharpton Condemns Churches That Supported Proposition 8

The Rev. Al Sharpton spoke at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Atlanta on Sunday and spoke out against the Mormon Church and evangelicals who fought to pass Proposition 8:

"It amazes me when I looked at California and saw churches that had nothing to say about police brutality, nothing to say when a young black boy was shot while he was wearing police handcuffs, nothing to say when the they overturned affirmative action, nothing to say when people were being delegated into poverty, yet they were organizing and mobilizing to stop consenting adults from choosing their life partners. There is something immoral and sick about using all of that power to not end brutality and poverty, but to break into people’s bedrooms and claim that God sent you."

According to the Southern Voice, "Sharpton came to Atlanta to celebrate the launch of the Alliance of Affirming Faith-Based Organizations."

He added: "I am tired of seeing ministers who will preach homophobia by day, and then after they’re preaching, when the lights are off they go cruising for trade...We know you’re not preaching the Bible, because if you were preaching the Bible we would have heard from you. We would have heard from you when people were starving in California, when they deregulated the economy and crashed Wall Street you had nothing to say. When [alleged Ponzi schemer Bernie] Madoff made off with the money, you had nothing to say. When Bush took us to war chasing weapons of mass destruction that weren’t there you had nothing to say. … But all of a sudden when Proposition 8 came out you had so much to say, but since you stepped in the rain, we gonna step in the rain with you."


Monday, January 12, 2009


A man with a Samurai sword in Modesto is shot and killed by a police officer. Does Modesto not have Tasers? Oh, they do? He ignored being shot by the Taser? I hope so... Hmmm...

I did some research. Number of police officers killed in this country in the last 10 years by Samurai Swords: zero.

Taser once; Taser twice; Shoot gun...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Secret Government?

The proponents of Proposition 8 have now filed a lawsuit in Federal Court to change California's law requiring disclosure of campaign contributions.

Hmmm. Can't stand the heat? They want to discriminate in private, huh?
They don't like being fired as my dentist after 31 years?

They don't like their businesses being boycotted because the are bigots?

They don't like being held accountable for imposing their religious beliefs on others, a violation of the very principle upon which this country was settled by white people- or, as history tells us, stolen from the Native Americans?

Too bad. And remember, there is a $100 threshold- below that, no disclosure is required, so you have to be a pretty committed bigot, at that.

So, not only are these people bigots, they are cowards. That being said, I do not condone violence against people over their political beliefs, whether they are left or wrong.

Open government is critical, as we have seen over the last eight years, years that are unlike any eight before them- and hopefully any one after!

And remember, there is a $100 threshold- below that, no disclosure is required.

And what about my rights? Don't I have the right to know if my dentist is laundering my money into something I find abhorrent, like taking away the rights of gay people to get married, making black people sit in the back of the bus, keeping women barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen, or stealing land and property from Japanese-Americans and sending them to Internment Camps? I know, I know- at least there were no ovens, right?

That being said, there are parts of the campaign law that should be tossed out by the Courts.

First is the requirement that people's employer be identified. Employers should not be associated with the political views of their employees any more than employees should be presumed to agree with the views of their employers.

The phone number requirement should also be tossed. Knowing the complete name and address of a donor is sufficient to preserve democracy.

A layer of security would also be added. It does take effort, gas, and/or money to send something to somebody, or to go to their home and picket.

It takes no effort to pick up the phone and harass somebody or their employer, and in the case of folks who get charged for incoming calls, it would cost them money.

Complete name and address- period. Anything beyond is an invasion of privacy.

Keep the baby- toss the bathwater.

Sarah, your 15 minutes are over...

Sarah Palin believes Caroline Kennedy is getting kid-glove treatment because of her "class" status.


We have known Caroline Kennedy for almost 50 years.

She has never claimed to be an expert on New Jersey because she can see it from her apartment building in New York.

We know she selects her own newspapers, and can remember their names after she reads them.

We have never seen her wink repeatedly on national TV, nor have we ever seen her go to a debate only to tell the moderator that she does not intend to answer the questions, but to just talk directly to the American people- which most people would call a s-p-e-e-c-h.

Caroline Kennedy has never been involved in a scandal, but if she were she would not describe an investigation conducted by her own employees as "vindication".

Neither would Caroline Kennedy describe e-mails from her government e-mail account to her husband as "privileged" or "official confidential business".

Caroline Kennedy's husband was never a member of a group advocating New York's secession from the Union, nor did she ever give the keynote address at one of that group's conventions.

New York has 18 million people. Those are the people she will represent, and she will have to run for re-election when the partial term is over.

Yet, she has gotten more than 18 million people's worth of press coverage and critique.

Class difference? Oh, yes, Sarah, there definitely is a class difference between the two of you- in fact, there is a WORLD of difference.

However, that's not the reason for any variation in the way she is being treated.

The difference is that she is not scary, not an embarrassment, her position will be representing one state and not all fifty, and she will not be a heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States- in line behind a 70-year old multiple-cancer survivor.

Remember the Donny Osmond song, "Go Away Little Girl"? Give it a try.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hebrew Blockade 1A

The Israelis are vulnerable to legitimate criticism for their blockade of Gaza, which goes way beyond security concerns, and is really preventing the Gazans from receiving the basic necessities of life.

Is there a legitimate need for a blockade? Yes. Is there a legitimate reason do deny basic needs? No.

Look at the map. For the most part, Israel surrounds Gaza- by land, or by naval blockade. Except for the 20% of their land border that they share with Egypt.

The Israelis' concerns about what is going into Gaza can be handled very simply- let everything Gaza needs go THROUGH/FROM Israel. Inspections can handle the security concerns, and prevent weapons and contraband from getting through. And no goddamn price-gouging of the Arabs by the Jews.

The Central Ineptitude Agency

Leon Panetta is a central California Democrat of unimpeachable integrity and reputation. Oddly, he is being criticized by some Democrats over his selection by BO to head the CIA.

What all of our national and international law enforcement agencies are in dire need of right now is integrity- not experience, not "history", not skeletons- but leaders with integrity and a fresh, independent view.

Leon Panetta brings just that and, with the exception of Rick Warren as Chief Invocator, is just the latest in a series of good or great picks BO has made.

The fact that Lady Di has gotten her feelings hurt that she was not consulted, and that she doesn't really like the choice, is just the latest example that she has lost perspective, has forgotten her early days, and is really more DeCaf Republican than Caffeinated Democrat.

I felt a tinge in my heart when I saw her in Milk when I realized how far she had strayed from her roots as she has gotten older...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jeeeezus Christ

The Catholic Church has published a paper stating that the evidence is conclusive that the birth control pill is processing through women's bodies, polluting our environment, and causing sterility amongst the men of the world. The report was published in the Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, and authored by Pedro Jose Maria Simon Castellvi, president of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations.

Every time you think an institution can sink no lower...

We are supposed to take the Roman Catholic Church seriously on something like birth control? The same folks who are telling people in Africa that condoms do not stop the spread of AIDS?

How about we let the Nazis weigh in on Kosher food? Or the Israelis on which material makes the best Islamic Prayer Rugs? Or have the Mormons tell us the easiest and simplest ways to integrate a religion before its 200th birthday?

I am one of the few Atheists that believes he is right, but hopes he is wrong. I would love to stand there and watch as these morons, these strayward souls, those who could not do God's work if it was printed backwards on their foreheads so they could read it every morning in the mirror, stand in front of their God and try and explain themselves.

It would be a great reality show: Blasphemy TV.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saracens, and Hebrews, and War, Oh My!

I am not a blind supporter of Israel, nor am I an Israeli apologist. I am an Israeli kindred spirit, but integrity and reason must be brought to bear, and I think and hope that reasonable minds and hearts prevail, and all can live side-by-side as they have at other times in history.

However, we have seen the recent chronology so many times since 1948, there should be a name for it. Maybe Sullahadeen Syndrome- not in recognition of any parallel with the great King of Islam, but simply in recognition of his greatness.

Here's how it works: Arabs (in this case, Hamas) attack Israel; Israel says stop; Israel is ignored; Israel attacks with bigger sticks, and stones, and planes, and ground troops, and tanks, and ultimately invades source of rocket attacks; Arabs clamor for UN mandated cease-fire.

Stirring a Hornet's Nest will get you stung- every single time.

Maybe next time you want a Rocket show, watch a Houston NBA game, or shoot at the goddamn Mediterranean- it won't shoot back.