Monday, October 6, 2008

Religious Bigotry

I am so tired of people using the Bible to justify discrimination.

The Bible, strangely enough, may have been the source of Hitler's hatred of Jews.

We know it was the justification for the treatment of the Central and South Americans, and the Native Americans.

We also know it was used to justify slavery, prevent racial inter-marriage, and to this day Blacks do not have equal status in most church hierarchies.

This Country was founded on Liberty and Individual Rights. People who would impose their views or beliefs on others are quite simply traitors to the very fabric of our Country- no better than Benedict Arnold, Joseph McCarthy, or the Rosenbergs.

The latest bit of treachery is the assault on gay rights by the Yes on Prop 8 crowd.

TRUE Americans, the real Patriots of this Country, real people of ethics and morals are those that can set aside their personal beliefs, and recognize the real reasons this great country was founded.

Naturally, it's the most difficult to do when there are negative personal consequences.

With Prop 8, it should be a slam dunk- the gay marriages performed here in California, in Massachusetts, and around the world, have not affected one hetero marriage- not one iota, not one molecule, not one nanoton.

So, if you are really proud to be an American and what we are supposed to stand for, oppose Prop 8.

If you live in or near the 95694 Zip Code, and want to advertise your pride in our history, demonstrate your patriotism and your love of country, you should get a lawn sign. Email me at and I will get you one.

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