Tuesday, October 7, 2008

John McCain is dead...

John McCain breathed his last breath this week.

Oh sure, he's still walking around- do you describe that as walking? It's more like a taller Ewok shuffle, isn't it?

He may even win the election in 4 weeks, but the real John McCain- the one we used to know, used to respect, who used to aspire to be a man of integrity, the heir to Barry Goldwater's throne, the "maverick" (pardon me while I chug a beer) is dead.

He's clearly close to losing it, he is so outraged that this young guy is still in the game, let alone winning it.

I actually think there is a great chance he will blow up tonight during the debate, and end it right there in Nashville.

Calling Barack Obama a "Chicago politician" like it's a slur and asking "What do we really know about Barack Obama?" were almost the final couple lines of his epitaph.

I have been screaming about the audacity of questioning the patriotism of a United States Senator, or suggesting one might be a terrorist, for months now. Remember, this is Hillary's fault. SHE started it during the Primaries.

Ed Schultz has gotten on the audacity bandwagon now, although I don't scoop him very often. Some guy called in this morning, and pointed out that Barack had been at meetings with William Ayers. Ed asked him "Do you really think a United States Senator is a terrorist?" The guy replied "Yes.", and Ed told him he was a "frickin' idiot".

Almost the last lines of his epitaph? Yes.

The very last lines came today in the form of non-actions.

Yesterday, during separate stump speeches of Johnny Appleseed and Sister Soulmate, two of their Neo-Nazi Fascist supporters were heard to very audibly yell out "terrorist" and "kill him", referring to Barack.

I will grant that Winkin' and Noddin' may have not heard the comments at the time they were uttered, but they are certainly aware of it now- and not a single disclaimer from them, their campaigns, or their surrogates.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

When George Bush's folks spread rumors in 2000 about John McCain having fathered a black child out-of-wedlock, Ol' John obviously paid attention.

We have not seen such treachery from national politicians since Joe McCarthy.

If it turns out I'm wrong about God, then John Sidney McCain III and Sarah Louise Heath Palin should be made to burn in Hell forever- and they can take that goddamn Hillary with them.

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