Friday, October 17, 2008


This just in: From Miami (Ohio) University

"Rejection can make a person more intuitive. New research suggests individuals who have faced the cold shoulder can more easily spot phony people.

The ability to spot a fabricated smile, exhibited by test subjects who had suffered rejection could be a relic of our past, the researchers said.

"This seems to be a skill we've acquired through evolution," said researcher Michael Bernstein, a doctoral student in social psychology at Miami University in Ohio. "Living in groups several hundreds of years ago was extremely important to survival. Being kicked out of the group was like death, so they became very good at reading facial expressions and social cues.""

My evolution has gone well beyond others.

As I have mentioned before, the rejection of me by girls, as well as the persecution of me by the older sexually-frustrated women dressed in black and white, and armed with maple pointers, caused me great distress.

When I got older, and found out how many gay or pedophile Catholic priests there are in the world, the actual depth of my rejection really hit home: apparently the priests had rejected me along the way, too.

Maybe I just missed their signals, but I don't think so.

Maybe if they had only known I wasn't wearing anything under my Altar Boy dress- and especially now that I know that lying down with men is like eating lobster!

Anyway, here I am at 53 with little tolerance for phonies, fakes, bigots, arrogance, prejudice, and Men Who Would Be Kings.

Now, I know why...

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