Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Please deliver us...

If Bill Clinton had any idea of following in Jimmy Carter's footsteps
in trying to become the second greatest former president in history, it's too late.

Watching his performance in the recent ABC interview was sad and outrageous at the same time. Asked the simple question of whether or not Barack Obama was qualified to be president, he wandered all over it, and never did answer.

Bill Clinton won the presidency in 1992 because many of the greatest statesmen of that time did not run, deeming King George I unbeatable after the Kuwait war "victory". Paul Tsongas and Jerry Brown stepped up anyway, but Bill Clinton came from
, with no intent to insult Arkansans, nowhere to win it all. Paul Tsongas didn't whine, and neither did Jerry Brown.

Barack Obama has come from nowhere to capture the attention and hopes of millions of Americans who want change, integrity, and a different way of doing things.

Remember, Bill Clinton had the chance to do all these same things after HIS election, but instead he began running for re-election after his inauguration, and practically sprinted to the right.

So, we find ourselves with a bitter former President- bitter that his prohibitive-favorite carpetbagger wife was not able to reach her goals, in no small way because of him, and bitter because the "real" first black man may be elected president in November- a man who shows all signs of being able to shred the Clinton legacy by comparison.

Go away, Bill. If there's a God, maybe she'll send you a vision to go join a Convent- great for you, great for Democrats, great for the world- not so good for the Convent, I know, but they are used to sacrifice. Otherwise, change your voter registration, and be done with it.

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