Monday, August 25, 2008

Life begins...?

Today, in Denver, there were people shouting "baby-killers".

Nobody likes abortion. Many people like Civil Rights, although not as many as once did apparently, or we would not be where we are.

It is a medical fact that up to 50% of all pregnancies self-terminate via miscarriage, often without the mother even knowing she was pregnant.

Although I don't believe in any god, the Christian God is supposed to be a "just" God, a "loving" God. If life really began at conception, would a just and loving God snatch away all those lives before they had a chance to bring love, experience, wisdom, trial, and tribulation to their parent(s)?

I think not.

The Bible mentions several times about the "breath" of life, coming and going. Nowhere does it mention life beginning at conception, and it is a fairly recent, convenient-for-the-religious-wackos hypothesis- in my lifetime, certainly. I think St. Augustine said life begins at three months, but what the hell does a saint know, n'est pas? And the greatest of all Saints, Archie Manning, never weighed in on the subject as far as I know...

I support people being prosecuted for double-murder when a pregnant women is the victim, because they are robbing the surviving relatives of two lives.

The Bottom Line: if the Right feels that strongly enough about it and disregards their Bible's lessons, let's give pregnant women TWO votes.

They won't agree, of course, because, after all, all those damn minorities breed like rabbits, and would just time their pregnancies to control elections.

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