Thursday, August 14, 2008


How would we react if Laura Bush decided she wanted to run for Senate next year, but realized she could not win in Texas. So, she packs up her carpetbag, and moves to, say, Alabama, where her chances of being elected are almost 100%- all the while hoping to get a shot at the White House in a few years, wanting to become the first husband/wife team to separately lead the free world.


And, to make it even better, along the way she decided she was the "prodigal daughter", the saviorette of Democracy, and that nobody better get in the way of her march to Pennsylvania Avenue.

Wow! I think I was having a nightmare.

Maybe not...

Hillary Clinton is getting her way, getting her name entered into nomination at the Convention, distracting attention from Barack. We also have the Clintonistas headlining the news programs, talking about rallys, parties, urging delegates to vote their "consciences", and "do the right thing" for Hillary.

Barack Obama arrogant? Compared to whom? There has never been anything like this.

Were all you whiners voting for a gender or voting on issues? "That wascally Bawack Obama beat our bewoved candidate, so now we're going to vote for that wrinkwy old man. We will show you!"

Inspirational, indeed.

I am tired of hearing she got more votes- she didn't.

Michigan and Florida broke the rules, and were told they would not count. Obama was not even on the ballot in MI.

Many caucuses don't track vote numbers, so they are not included in totals.

Such arrogance, such selfishness, such entitlement...

And what about John Kerry and Al Gore? If anybody has a right to whine, to scream, to yell, THEY do. Have they? Hmmm. I'm still a HUGE fan of the 19th Amendment, but not quite what I once was...

Let's fast forward to March, 2009. We have a new president. Let's say it's a 100% old white guy, and not a 50% young white guy.

Does anyone think that Barack Obama would whine or pout, or should even think of doing so? No.

Given the dissatisfaction in the country, the only way Barack Obama loses this election is race- pure and simple. If we have people who vote race over their own self-interests, it could indeed very well happen.

If it does tragically and heartbreakingly occur, we all know Barack Obama will pick himself up, and start the march to 2012.

And, with four more years of experience, he will then have the level of experience that Hillary has now- that which she has touted as being so superior to his current level of experience.

If it does happen, my U. S. flags will be flown upside down, as we will truly be in distress as a country and as a people.

Today at Rotary, my friend Mike Kimes asked me why Barack is considered to be black. It was a very thoughtful question, and I have duly given it much thought- and I don't like the answer.

I like the idea of electing a minority or female president during my lifetime. Not as a matter of policy, of course, but just as a sign of progress.
Of course, I would never vote for Elizabeth Dole or J. C. Watts.

But in thinking about Mike's question, I came to the conclusion that we have placed ourselves in the same position as the people who have enslaved or discriminated against people all over the world, throughout history: if you have one drop of Hebrew blood, you are a Jew; if you have one drop of African American blood, you are black.

Certainly, I have gone to the extreme end of the argument. Yes, for many or most of us, the motivation for our conclusion is different than that of the slave owners and Nazis.

The answer, though, is the same: defying the mathematics, a small percentage of "different" looms much larger than a larger percentage of "same" or "normal".

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