Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin' in comparison...

Welcome to Dan Quayle redux. This is now proof positive that John McCain is losing it.

He describes his new running mate as his "soulmate", yet he met her only twice before naming her to be the heartbeat-away backup to a man who has had cancer twice.

The entire GOP message has been, and was going to continue to be, that BO does not have the experience to be president- except, of course, that he is in league with Kennedy, Roosevelt the Greater, Lincoln, Washington, John Adams, etc. We have seen what such "experiences" as ruining a state, ruining a baseball team, and ruining an oil company has gotten us in the last 8 years.

Sitting here, with 30 years of municipal work experience, and starting my third term as a City Councilman, having served on Yolo LAFCO, I am better prepared to be VP.

If nominated, I will run; If elected I will serve; My first promise will be to not shoot anybody if I am ever out hunting with a lawyer, two women, and my wife is off visiting the lesbian daughter I have never recognized as having.

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