Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Please deliver us... Part II

Now comes word that Hillary is trying to find some way to "soothe" her supporters at the Convention, and has not ruled out having her name entered into nomination. Apparently, after they are sufficiently "soothed", they can then all get behind Obama Nation... That's mighty considerate of them.

And do not give me that 18 million votes crap, either- the only way Hillary got more votes than Barack is if you discount the Caucuses that did not tally individual votes. And despite her claims to the contrary, she lost the delegate tally in both Nevada and Texas.

Is this really the image that the Democratic women of this country want to portray? Is this not exactly the WRONG message, that we need some kind of special transition for the bruised egos of the fairer sex?

It's bad enough that they gave John McCain ammunition with their cannibalistic excrement when the nomination was still in play, but to drag this thing out any longer proves one thing, and one thing only: the best person for the job this time out, the person with the honor, integrity, and TEAM committment we need, was, indeed, the best MAN.

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