Monday, April 20, 2009

Newt the Slimy

Dear Editor:

Republican leaders have such interesting names, n'est pas?

Delay. Doolittle. Bush. Rush. O'Really. Bonior.

Before Twitter, there was Vitter- which we now know means to frequent ladies of the evening- or maybe the afternoon.

After "Getting Jiggy With It!" along came "Getting Craigy With It!", which we also now know means tap dancing your way through men's restrooms.

Now, Newt Gingrich is angry because our President shook hands with Hugo Chavez, and about our relationship being better with Cuba after 90 days than it has been in the 50 years prior.

It could just be me, but I don't remember this reaction when Ronald Reagan was in Berlin talking to Gorbachev about redoing the Berlin Wallpaper.

An old white guy talking to a Communist, a real Caucasian, the head of an
enemy state, creates no controversy, but a half-black young guy talking to or about the Latino leaders of countries who have simply spoken ill of us creates an uproar?

I see. Repugnantcans. "Can't live with them, can't..." Hmmm. Guess I don't need the whole saying. And, no, I am not tarring all the GOP with the same brush.

Besides, Newt Gingrich is so passe'. After all, No Newt is good Newt. (Gingrich- not Wallace)

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