Monday, March 9, 2009


"Dan White hero... killing a queer."

The sign was rather rudimentary, multi-colored, appears to be colored pencils as the medium.

It was sent to me by Geoff Kors, of Equality California, and represented as a sign seen in front of the Supreme Court last Thursday.

I don't like the picture of the sign. It's a close-up, and does not appear to be in a crowd or even in the hands of a protester. It just does not seem right to me, somehow...

I hope I am wrong.

Let's assume that it is as stated, though. I think that I have never seen anything so repulsive, so outrageous, so hateful. I don't say this with even a touch of machismo, but I believe I would be in jail should I encounter somebody carrying such a sign- man or woman.

It's the product of the vitriol of Limbaugh, and the Catholics and the Mormons, and I doubt there is a better example of a traitor to our country than this. It offends me at such a basic level that I cannot even begin to describe it.

Sure, I would provoke the carrier of the sign into swinging at me first- easily done with such an illiterate cretin. Small penis. Used to stare at the other boys in the shower in gym class. Parents that were brother and sister. Abused by a priest when he was younger. Simple.

I was there in Sacramento at the Tower for the Opening Night of Milk. A great movie, a great man, and great actors.

Dan White did do one thing right, though- he killed himself. Hero? Never. Mentally-ill coward, and the perfect poster child for those who believe their god wants them to create a jihad against gays.

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