Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saracens, and Hebrews, and War, Oh My!

I am not a blind supporter of Israel, nor am I an Israeli apologist. I am an Israeli kindred spirit, but integrity and reason must be brought to bear, and I think and hope that reasonable minds and hearts prevail, and all can live side-by-side as they have at other times in history.

However, we have seen the recent chronology so many times since 1948, there should be a name for it. Maybe Sullahadeen Syndrome- not in recognition of any parallel with the great King of Islam, but simply in recognition of his greatness.

Here's how it works: Arabs (in this case, Hamas) attack Israel; Israel says stop; Israel is ignored; Israel attacks with bigger sticks, and stones, and planes, and ground troops, and tanks, and ultimately invades source of rocket attacks; Arabs clamor for UN mandated cease-fire.

Stirring a Hornet's Nest will get you stung- every single time.

Maybe next time you want a Rocket show, watch a Houston NBA game, or shoot at the goddamn Mediterranean- it won't shoot back.

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