Monday, November 3, 2008

Grandma- and life's dominoes.

Today, Barack Obama's grandmother, "Toot", passed away from cancer. If there is any truth and justice in the world, tomorrow her grandson will be elected President of the United States of America.

In 1965, my mother gave my father an ultimatum- either we were moving to California, or they were getting divorced.

Apparently, Fidelity was neither an investment nor a practice in our household. I will never forget the time I asked my mom why she stayed with Dad after all his "side jobs", and she replied that he was not the only one.

Right out of Thorn Birds, I somehow knew, in a twisted way, I was there before him. I didn't know the details. I do now, but they are unimportant.

What is important, at least today, is that my family had lived in Oswego, NY, since at least before the Civil War. At one time, I had 5 living grandmothers. When we moved west, we left behind in NY 21 cousins on one side of the family, with 4 sets of aunts and uncles, and 6 cousins and another aunt/uncle combo in North Carolina. On the other side, were dozens of other cousins, and numerous aunts and uncles.

Would I have been as successful had we stayed there? I dunno. Would I have met the love of my life, she from Monterey, CA, which should be spelled Monterrey? No.

Still, I think about going back every single day- back to the place where the love of my life thought she saw the smallest bear she had ever seen, dead along the road, when, in fact, she had seen the biggest PORCUPINE ever seen, dead alongside the road.

Back to reasonable land prices, a Great Lake, four seasons, excellent fishing, Revolutionary War history, Fort Ontario, but mostly to the numerous aunts and uncles still there, and to my cousins, many of whom are still alive and have added spouses and kids.

I don't know how Barack feels, but I suspect it is very similar- except that he does not have the time to feel it right now. Maybe Wednesday...

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