Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Second Amendment

The Supreme Court is a disgrace.

We have 5 Catholics, which is noteworthy because they, as Catholics, have a higher allegiance to a foreign government, The Vatican, than to the USA. No other religion is structured like that, and Our Forefathers would be outraged.

The Conservatives are decrying the recent "enemy combatant" decision by the Supremes, with George Bush mentioning the "deeply-divided Court" as some kind of excuse or wink. I would remind him that it was the same "deeply-divided" margin that gave him the presidency in Gore v. Bush, the worst and lowest moment in Supreme Court history- eclipsing even Dred Scott and Plessy v Ferguson- while making the statement that their decision established no "precedent".

We have been pretty well-served by the notion that, in the context in question, one is either a criminal or prisoner of war- with very specific treatments thereof outlined.

Now comes the recent 2nd Amendment decision that throws out all aspects of "A well-regulated militia being..." and says that "bear arms" is the key phrase. Liberals and Progressives are outraged almost to the man (and woman)- but not me.

It is sad and horrific that people in Washington, D.C. will die because of the decision. Cheap guns flow easily into D.C., particularly from Virginia. Hard to believe, I know.

As a sidebar, with such a firm focus on the Constitution's origins, doesn't the right to be secure in one's person assure the right of a woman's choice to have an abortion?

But back to the decision. Let's focus. Never before in history has a presidential administration violated so many rights, broken so many laws, told so many lies, killed so many innocent people, and signed so many bills- with signing statements that they will only adhere to the parts of the respective bills with which they agree. That's a line-item-veto, that the President does not have.

We should be celebrating the decision, not lamenting it. Our way have life has never been threatened by our government more so than it is today. Remember Tiebreaker's comment when told 80 percent of the people of the US oppose staying in Iraq: "So?"

Obama was right. We
should be bitter over what has transpired over the last 8 years. Those of us who are religious, should be clinging to what hope it can give us. I, frankly, am looking forward to the Rapture- I can certainly use the peace and quiet.

We should be, not clinging to our guns, but cleaning them, oiling them, making sure we have plenty of ammunition, setting a few aside in secure locations- all fully-loaded, with plenty of bandoleers or magazines or clips nearby.

The innocent citizens of NYC, SF, Oakland, L.A., and yes, the Heartland, and, worse yet, their children are going to be casualties of war- not an active war, not yet, but at least war preparations.

People question the presence of the Anarchist "A" on one arm and the Vendetta "V" on the other arm of me, an elected official. They should not be surprised. I have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and those are the two most serious and precious commitments I have ever made.

For the most recent justification, they could simply ask Carol Kreck, who was ticketed and removed from
the publicly-owned Denver Center for the Performing Arts TODAY for having a "McCain = Bush" sign OUTSIDE, while McAncient supporters listening to him INSIDE were allowed to have signs and buttons supporting him.

And visions of Hitler danced through his head...

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