Monday, July 21, 2008

Home from vacation... to McCain in meltdown.

It was great to be home- for about 5 hours.

Let me digress. We had a great time at the Lair of the Bear. Great times with mom and dad, my wife and daughter, and the Evan and Lisa family. We found a great "local" fishing hole, had good food, took some small road trips, missed Rotary, spent some time people watching- and performed a wedding ceremony for a couple of women who could be a showplace for what a family should be. They left right away for a softball game, which provided just the right amount of humor.

The 5 hours? It was about that long before I started going downhill fast, wracked by the worst stomach and intestine ailment I can remember- with the feeling of having been run over by a fire truck as the backdrop. B-r-u-t-a-l.

However, back to the really senior Senator from Arizona, about whom Barry Goldwater would be rotissering in his grave.

Poor John. He complained that Barack had not been to the Middle East for a while, but now that Barack is there, he's complaining that it's nothing but a political trip.

Barack has been saying that we should have focused more on Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and now violence there is rising sharply.

Barack has been calling for an exit timetable, and the Prime Minister of Iraq, as well as the Iraqi people, apparently agree/s- but Bush and McCain are in denial, and keep bouncing around on what was really said/meant/interpreted.

McCain has been touting the effectiveness of the surge, but it rings hollow when it was a surge for a war that never should have been waged. And the permanent result jury is still out.

Today he mentioned the Iraq/Afghanistan border- which, of course, does not exist.

And, today, he started running a campaign ad that blames Barack Obama for the high price of oil. D-e-s-p-e-r-at-i-o-n. Already? This soon? Wow...

We also now know that, when Bill Clinton coined the phrase "It's the economy, stupid!" he was talking directly to John McCain.

The truth about oil is we are still exporting oil from this country, as well as refined gasoline, the oil companies are sitting on thousands and thousands of oil leases they are trying to keep in reserve, and the Bush/Cheney Oil cartel is intent upon helping them do so.

As my t-shirt states so bluntly, the G.O.P. is the Grand Oil Party...

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