Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah, Vain and Small

I didn't listen to the Barracuda's speech.

I read the reports that she did well, was poised and well-spoken, and was not surprised. Most hockey moms are, after all, known for being articulate, n'est pas?

Then I heard David Gregory ask somebody if they thought the constant mocking of Obama would turn off or offend the Independent voters.

That intrigued me, so I started looking at the clips of the speech.

In what was reminiscent of Joe Biden's early (and taken out of context) comment that Barack is well-groomed and clean, the assessment of her speaking abilities were sexistly-biased. Obviously, she was not judged by the same standards as the men. It reminds me of the old Olympic Gymnastics events, though this time ALL the judges must have been Russian!

She can read a teleprompter.

You don't suppose that those old chauvinist Republicans are just amazed to find a good-looking woman who can read, do you?

Her mocking of Obama was classless and insulting. Belittling Community Organizing? Very easy to do from rich, all-white Alaska, I guess, where everybody is born with a silver icicle in their mouths.

It was very easy to see that the speech was, in fact, written by one of George Bush's speech writers.

The Bottom Line? Obama raised $ 10 million the day after, and McCain raised $ 1 million.

Keep talking Sarah!

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